
Friday, May 24, 2024

FCC takes steps on securing the integrity of Wireless Device certifications

Update on FCC NPRM: The Commission's recent positive vote on the NPRM "Promoting the Integrity and Security of Telecommunications Certification Bodies, Measurement Facilities, and the Equipment Authorization Program" is a significant development. The NPRM was officially adopted on May 23, 2024.

Implications arise for manufacturers utilizing data from labs or certifications from Telecommunications Certification Bodies (TCB) that may be impacted by this rule change. When the ban takes full effect, data and certifications from affected entities may become invalid. To prevent disruptions in product shipments, it is crucial to ensure that the labs and TCBs being utilized will not be impacted by this regulatory change when it is enforced.

Stay informed and proactive to navigate these upcoming changes effectively. For more details, refer to the FCC document here:

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

FCC Vote on "Bad Labs" ban proposal

FCC - From the Office of Commissioner Brendan Carr related to the proposal "Promoting the Integrity and Security of Telecommunications Certification Bodies, Measurement Facilities, and the Equipment Authorization Program" set to be voted on at the FCC's May 2024 Open Meeting.

Under the proposal "the FCC would ensure that the hundreds of labs and certification bodies that review and approve electronic devices for use in the U.S. are trustworthy actors that do not present national security risks, including the risk that they would do the bidding of a foreign adversary."


From Office of Commissioner Brendan Carr 

Fact Sheet (Notice of Proposed Rulemaking – ET Docket No. 24-136)

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

ISED Canada extends frequencies for use by LE-LAN

Innovation, Science and Economic Development (ISED) Canada, RSS-247 Issue 3 introduces requirements for devices operating from 5850 to 5895 MHz (U-NII-4) and channels that span across 5850MHz, also specifying power limits and unwanted emission limits associated with license-exempt local area network (LE-LAN) devices within that band.



Tuesday, August 8, 2023

WiFi 6E - FCC OET – Updates General Requirements for U-NII 6GHz


Aug 7, 2023 – The FCC Office of Engineering and Technology published 987594 D01 U-NII 6GHz General Requirements v02 removing the Phase 2 restrictions and allowing applications for standard (power) access points, standard clients and fixed clients.


Wednesday, August 2, 2023

UK Government extends use of CE marking "indefinitely"

Aug 1, 2024 - The UK Department for Business and Trade (DBT) has announced its intention to indefinitely extend, beyond the December 2024 deadline, the use of CE marking for businesses, applying to 18 regulations owned by DBT.

The applicable regulations cover:

  • toys
  • pyrotechnics
  • recreational craft and personal watercraft
  • simple pressure vessels
  • electromagnetic compatibility
  • non-automatic weighing instruments
  • measuring instruments
  • measuring container bottles
  • lifts
  • equipment for potentially explosive atmospheres (ATEX)
  • radio equipment
  • pressure equipment
  • personal protective equipment (PPE)
  • gas appliances
  • machinery
  • equipment for use outdoors
  • aerosols
  • low voltage electrical equipment



Monday, July 24, 2023

FCC Empowers Short-Range Radars in the 60 GHz Band

July 24, 2023 – From the U.S. Federal Communications Commission, amending 47 CFR Part 15. 

Published today and effective August 23, 2023. Part 15 of the Commission rules amended to provide new opportunities for unlicensed field disturbance sensor (FDS) devices (e.g., radars) to operate in the 57–71 GHz band (60 GHz band)



Friday, July 21, 2023

Broadband Radio Services (BRS) Canada


Related to the Broadband Radio Services standards and radio system plan - Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) has published the following: